learn languages using skype

Skype English language teacher


martina - English Skype teacher

Skype teacher
Basic, to advanced
conversational English,
English grammar

Joined skypeLearn: 29 -09 -2015



Skype teacher: Martina

Language: English

Language speciality:
Basic/advanced English, 
Conversational English, 
English Grammar classes.

Nationality: Slovak

English lessons via Skype cost per hour:
Euro 8 per lesson = 60 minutes
Offers 15 minute free initial get-to-know each-other
Skype chat

my name is Martina and I am a teacher of the English language with 5 years of working experience.

I speak English, Slovak and also German, and
Slovak is my mother tongue.

I am friendly, energetic and patient and and combine strong passion for English teaching and helping students discover their communicative abilities.

If you are a beginner we start with a course book and go through some grammar and exercises. As soon as possible we switch to conversational English – which means you receive simple teaching material for every lesson.

And these conversational lessons will teach you grammar in a practical way. I don´t mix grammar and conversational lessons. When there is a problem in grammar we will solve it the next lesson properly.

I use a really simple and yet effective method for conversational lessons. It's easy for students to get to usde to and allows them to handle the topic properly
in an natural way.

Every conversational lesson is prepared for 60 minutes time.
A 15-minute light English Lesson is offered for free where learning goals are set which will be practiced using conversation.

All lessons must be prepaid 24 hours before the lesson
Free cancellation when there is 24 hours notice.

I offer English classes:
Basic/advanced English, 
Conversational English, 
English Grammar classes.

I also offer Slovak interactive classes of all levels.

A class costs € 8 for 1-hour lesson (60 minutes). 

When you have paid € 80 for 10 lessons, we can start our course.
When there are two of you and your English is approximately the same level then you can learn together through skype conference call.

Then, the lesson (60 minutes) costs € 4 per person and both of you pay in advance for 20 lessons.
Which is € 80 each.

If you want to learn in pairs just let me know and I´ll try to find someone to complete your group

I understand how important it is for you to know as much as possible about a language course by Skype before booking it. So please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.
I look forward to hearing from you!


Volám sa Martina a Angličtinu učím už 5 rokov.
Hovorím Anglicky, Nemecky a mojím materinským jazykom je Slovenčina.

Som priateľská, energetická trpezlivá a veľmi rada učím.
Ak ste skutočný začiatočník, prejdeme si nejakú knihu postupne – gramatiku aj cvičenia. Keď budete pripravení, skočíme na konverzačné hodiny.

Nemiešam konverzačné a gramatické hodiny. Ak je problém v gramatike, venuje sa mu celá ďalšia hodina a potom opäť prejdeme na konverzačný štýl. Pretože práve konverzáciou sa ľahko dá naučiť aj gramatika, frázy, ustálené spojenia atď.

V prípade veľkých gramatických ťažkostí sa venuje samostatnej gramatike celá hodina. Na konverzačných hodinách používam jednoduchú, ľahko aplikovateľnú nenútenú metódu, ktorá sama vyplynula z mojej praxe. A dá sa použiť na akúkoľvek tému.

Každá konverzačná hodina je pripravená na 60 minút.
Hodina stojí € 8 za 60 minút, potrebná je platba vopred za 10 hodín t.j. € 80.
V prípade, že ste v skupinke dvaja – formou konferenčného hovoru, alebo sedíte doma dvaja za jedným PC cena na osobu je € 4 za 60 minút a potrebná je platba vopred za 20 hodín t.j. € 80.

Som k dispozícii na 15 minútový Skype rozhovor zdarma – na posúdenie jazykovej úrovne a stanovenie cieľov výučby a nášho spoločného snaženia.

Teším sa na Vás!


Contact: tina@skypelearn.com